Sam Coleman, Broker, GRI/CRS

July 2021

A Tale of Two Totally Different Buyers

Fortunately, approximately 90% of my business is referral based. Rarely am I contacted by an individual who found me via advertising or specific marketing efforts. Over the last 21 years I have worked extremely hard to stay in contact with clients and folks within my sphere of influence. Early on, I learned to keep the clients I have and stay in touch on a regular basis such as this monthly newsletter. Almost every month someone who receives this tome reaches out to me for some sort of interaction. Referrals are the bedrock of my business, along with assisting individuals who are relocating to Nashville, especially for employment with a specific emphasis on Vanderbilt - both the University and Medical Center. Recently I helped a single female MD, PhD. While she was interviewing, I gave her a brief tour of the city over a span of four hours so she could get a feel of the city as a place to live, work and enjoy life.
Fridrich & Clark Realty, LLC

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