Sam Coleman, Broker, GRI/CRS

February 2024

February 2024

The Future of Real Estate is Changing

Like many areas of our life, the real estate business is undergoing drastic changes with advances intechnology. Many in my profession, including myself, are learning new ways of conducting businessand using technology to our advantage. It seems to me that earlier models for real estate are beingchallenged, even driven, by advances in technology and online information. Some are even predictingthat individuals would be buying a home online without using an agent. My response is “Buying ahouse is not like buying a car or booking a trip.” I think people will continue to use agents to buyhomes and I still believe a house is not a commodity. If I am booking a flight to Las Vegas, I know mychoices are mainly a couple of different carriers and varying schedules. Often, I try to book on South-west Airlines due to typically cheaper flights and often direct flights to many cities. Or a simplesearch on several carriers shows me several options of departure/arrival times, direct flight or layo-vers, and the process is fairly simple. However, when booking flights to Europe, looking for easy con-nection flights from Nashville with various transportation departure/arrival times, I would be muchmore likely to use a knowledgeable travel agent.

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Fridrich & Clark Realty, LLC

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